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some of the awards we've received
The colorful details of our novelties are made with
white chocolate
enhanced with food colorings.
These novelties look like ceramic figurines.
Most of the novelties are made with milk chocolate.
If you prefer white dark or sugar free chocolates please let us know.
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Our Mailing Address: P O Box
540836 / Flushing, NY 11354
Our store is located at 150-07 Bayside Ave, Flushing, NY
e-mail us at []
Call Toll Free phone 888 568 6665 or 800 669 6665
in NY call 718 461 1873
FAX 718 321 0217
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[Braille gifts] [site
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1.[Terms conditions & general information about our novelties.]
2.[CHOCOBRAILLE Greeting Cards & Guide Dogs page]
3. This page contains the general catalog, not the Braille products.
The following list of our novelties is divided into 2 main sections
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[address] [e mail] [phone #] [ordering info] [holiday gifts] [everyday gifts]
[Braille gifts] [site
map] [top of page]
please continue to 1 of the 9 following options
[address] [e mail] [phone #] [ordering info] [holiday gifts] [everyday gifts]
[Braille gifts] [site
map] [top of page]
EVERYDAY NOVELTIES are as follows and assorted alphabetically:
[Boxes Baskets Vases Etc]
[Communication & Office & Trade & Profession]
[Christian for all year]
[Drama & Clowns]
[Engagement, Wedding & Anniversary] see also [Valentine's]
[Greeting Cards for All Occasions]
[Hobbies & Games]
[Jewish for All Year]
[Man] see also[ Fathers Day]
[Woman ]see also [Mothers Day]
You are our welcomed visitor number [] since January 21, 1998
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[Braille gifts] [site
map] [top of page]
end of the chocolate experience general list catalog