Santa Claus

Made in chocolate by The Chocolate Experience, Inc.

csantas.jpg (15530 bytes)

#C241           #C242
3D  Solid Chocolates

#C240   4 lbs.  - 3D  3/4 solid chocolate

c248.jpg (30307 bytes) Cpop.jpg (20510 bytes)

Part of a larger selection, see our main page

Welcome to our Christmas Chocolate land
where all our participants are made of chocolate
They are truly sweet & scrumptious

We make to order
Chocolate novelties  *  large 3D figurines
Impressive Gift Baskets
the most imaginable eatable gifts

The Chocolate Experience
P.O. Box 540836 *  150-07 Bayside Ave.
Flushing NY 11354

e-mail to:
Call:     718-461-1873
Fax: 718-321-0217

have you bookmarked our site:  [http;///]

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